How I am Getting Back on Track after Falling Into Inertia (and You Can Too)

Linda Luke
5 min readFeb 21, 2017

Don’t get me wrong. I love my new life here in small town Missouri, but it hasn’t always been a smooth ride.

Several months ago I fell while out for a walk and hurt my arm. I could hardly move for a couple of days and then settled into a long journey of healing. There were many limitations to what I could do for what felt like a very, very long time.

Last month I caught the flu, or should I say it caught me. There must be something about these Missouri bugs because I didn’t get get sick in California, at least not for a long time. This flu knocked me down and it took several weeks to start feeling well again.

Add to that some plumbing problems and all of those little things called life and it feels like I got off track. Really off track…

  • I haven’t been exercising or eating well and have gained some weight (and now my clothes don’t fit).
  • My sugar and snack cravings have taken control and I am eating more food than ever.
  • My energy level is low and I would rather read or watch TV than do things that involve getting out of my chair.
  • My balance and body confidence are off.
  • My motivation level is low and everything seems harder than usual.
  • I haven’t been blogging as much or marketing my businesses.
  • There is little forward movement on my intentions and goals that felt so important at the beginning of the year.

Yuck! I don’t like this feeling. Does it ever happen to you?

I have decided not to settle for this stuck in the mud life and intend to get back on track. Would you like to join me? Here is my plan:


I will start by revisiting my core values. I have a few exercises for doing this, but it doesn’t need to be a formal thing. I think I will just journal about what matters most to me in life.

Whenever I have played with my values before words like health, service, family, friends, community, happiness, inner peace, kindness, and financial security, usually came up.

Re-Connecting with my values will refresh the guidelines for my life and is a wonderful place to begin my journey back to wholeness.


My brain is a wild thing right now, even letting some negative thoughts creep in. I wonder about this and then I worry about that. It could go on forever, but I won’t let it. I will use the art of presence, being fully present in what is going on right now as my way out.

When I do this it sometimes feels like I am pulling in all of the scattered pieces of my mind until they come together in this one moment. Most of the peripheral thought is just wasting energy or undermining how I feel, anyway. Coming back to the NOW, as Eckhart Tolle would describe it, brings peace and enhances my mind’s ability to focus on what I want it to. Presence is power.


All the things I want to change or do can feel overwhelming, but I need to start somewhere. I usually choose to start with my body, the closest thing at hand. When I take care of my health it gives me the energy to move forward on other things.

It is also something that is measurable. I can see my progress and start to build a pattern of success. If I eat one healthy meal or go for a walk I am winning in this area. That means I can win in other areas too.

Healthy habits are also a familiar place to go to. I’ve done this before. I know I can do it and I know how. Focusing on my body is a great way to begin. It’s a good place for you to start too.


It is often said that when our lives are scattered our brains will be too. Outer clutter and disorganization sets us up for the same internally. When our environment is simple and orderly we focus better. When chaos is gone, creativity appears.

I recently experienced this as I put away all of the papers I had out for doing my taxes. My office feels much more peaceful now and when I look at it, I do too.

It’s not all about things either. Simplicity can also be created in your diet, relationships, and how you spend your time. Keep things aligned with your values and keep them simple. The spaciousness that results will allow you to focus, be more creative, and move into things that are most meaningful to you.


Connecting with others is a basic human need and when I get off track getting out into the world sometimes feels just too hard. I don’t have the energy for it. The twisted thing though is that engaging with others is part of the solution.

I often tell clients who are feeling depressed to go out and do something good for someone less fortunate than themselves. It works for them and it works for me. I think it might work for you too.


As I look at all the things that have come from being off track I realize there is a pattern of being stuck. I’m just not moving forward, sideways, or any direction at all. This lack of motion creates stagnant energy and the less I do the less I feel like doing. The more I stay stuck, the worse it gets.

I believe that God meets us at the point of action, and if we don’t act, not much is going to happen. Doing the steps I’ve written here requires action. The first steps may be hard as I fight through the inertia, but I am committed and ready to go. When I’m through writing this, I’m going for a walk. That should be a good start.

Movement is the way to break through. And I am committed to taking those first steps. And then the next. It won’t be long before I’m back on track.

What about you? Would you like to join me?

If you are feeling like your life in general or just an area of your life has gotten off track, working with an experienced and professional Life Coach can assist you in moving forward quickly.

I would be happy to support you in this process. You can set up an initial no cost consultation by contacting me here or emailing:

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You can read more like this or learn about Linda and Life Coaching at:



Linda Luke

Providing inspiration, tools, and coaching support for women who want to lead more peaceful & meaningful lives.